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Free Resource Library

Scroll down to see:

  • The Ashes Redeemed Blog

  • Bi-Monthly Faith & Fellowship Zoom Calls

  • On-Demand Trainings

The Ashes Redeemed Blog

"I'm Mad!"

While anger might seem like a primal form of expression, it is more complex than many people realize. In fact, anger can actually be a constructive tool. I’m sure this perspective may sound contradict... ...more


September 09, 20235 min read

"I'm Mad!"

Gentle Shepherd - Warrior King

let's not forget that while YES Jesus forgives, He also loves justice. In fact, it is the Father's demand for justice that required His own perfect sacrifice. (2 Cor. 5:21) The penalty for sin has ... ...more


August 29, 20234 min read

Gentle Shepherd - Warrior King

To The Woman Who Just Found Out...

Here you are, standing (just barely) with your heart shattered. Did you want this? No. Did you have a choice in the wanting? No. Does it matter what you do with your broken heart from here? ... ...more

Pornography ,Emotional Infidelity Affair &Marriage

August 14, 20236 min read

To The Woman Who Just Found Out...

Not My Fault

The more we talked, the more I began to see a pattern emerge. He wasn’t taking responsibility for anything. According to him, nothing was his fault, which ultimately meant he was powerless to change a... ...more


July 31, 20234 min read

Not My Fault

Controlled Burn

She stands before a prayer warrior who visits the church and singles her out. Drained of every ounce of strength, she can barely stay upright. Streaks, created by a thousand tears, leave telling evide... ...more

Marriage ,Grief

July 17, 20233 min read

Controlled Burn

When You're Feeling Pressured, Perplexed & Persecuted

I don’t know about you, but there are certainly stretches of time that–despite the assurance I have of my eternal salvation–I still have felt crushed, in despair, and even destroyed in this earthly re... ...more


July 10, 20235 min read

When You're Feeling  Pressured, Perplexed & Persecuted

The Ashes Redeemed Blog

Ashes Redeemed Newsletter | February 2025

Ashes Redeemed Newsletter | February 2025

Sacred Strength is the Ashes Redeemed monthly newsletter publication to support the Christian woman in her marriage ...more

Monthly Newsletters

January 29, 202514 min read

Ashes Redeemed Newsletter | January 2025

Ashes Redeemed Newsletter | January 2025

Sacred Strength is the Ashes Redeemed monthly newsletter publication to support the Christian woman in her marriage ...more

Monthly Newsletters

January 01, 202521 min read

Ashes Redeemed Newsletter | December 2024

Ashes Redeemed Newsletter | December 2024

Hey there, lovely ladies! Jennifer Kwiatkowski & Elise Park here with our latest newsletter. This month, we’re focusing on something that touches us all—security. It's a big one, right? It got us thin... ...more

Monthly Newsletters

November 29, 202414 min read

Ashes Redeemed Newsletter | November 2024

Ashes Redeemed Newsletter | November 2024

Hey there, lovely ladies! Jennifer Kwiatkowski & Elise Park here with our latest newsletter. This month, we’re focusing on something that touches us all—security. It's a big one, right? It got us thin... ...more

Monthly Newsletters

November 01, 202418 min read

Introducing "Sacred Strength" - the Ashes Redeemed Newsletter

Introducing "Sacred Strength" - the Ashes Redeemed Newsletter

"Sacred Strength" is a monthly newsletter published by Ashes Redeemed to help support Christian women in their marriages, so they can overcome bitterness, burnout and betrayal and live confidently in ... ...more

Monthly Newsletters

October 18, 20241 min read

"I'm Mad!"

"I'm Mad!"

While anger might seem like a primal form of expression, it is more complex than many people realize. In fact, anger can actually be a constructive tool. I’m sure this perspective may sound contradict... ...more


September 09, 20235 min read

On-Demand Trainings

Feel Better Now!

Free Micro-Training to Accelerate Your Healing...

This micro-training is just one small step from our From Betrayal to Breakthrough Program-the clearest and most predictable system for any Christian woman who is serious about finding the clarity she needs to make a decision on what to do after experiencing betrayal in her marriage, so that she doesn't spend the rest of her life with unresolved regret.

Get The Big Picture...

The 9 Steps Every Woman Must Take After Betrayal

Learn what nine steps every woman must take after experiencing betrayal in her marriage so that she is equipped to handle the challenge of making post-betrayal decisions as the most resilient version of herself, to honor her faith and values, without settling.

Other Free Resources

Apply to join at no charge

"I feel like I can actually make a choice. Before I was just a victim of my emotions and now I can recognize that and make better choices."

Carrie T.

"This journey has been helping me let myself be human, but then learning how to be human in a way that honors the Lord."

Andrea P.

"I just thought I was tired and burnt out because I was 60, but really I was tired and burnt out because I was just so angry all the time.."

Margie M.


The Healing Accelerator Framework

Feel better right now by using our One Page Healing Accelerator Framework to get immediate relief from the pain, confusion, and fear of regret that comes from discovering betrayal in your marriage, by understanding betrayal's impact the way you see your future.

In this micro training, you'll experience just one small piece of our From Betrayal to Breakthrough program-the clearest & most predictable system for any Christian woman who is serious abut finding the clarity she needs to make a decision on what to do next...

Meet Our Facilitators

Hi there!

Expert in Chiropractise Treatment

We're Elise Park & Jennifer Kwiatkowski. As Christian women who have both overcome issues of betrayal in our own marriages, we know what it's like to face certain challenges that are unique to Believers when it comes to post-betrayal decisions.

As Certified Professional Coaches, we have supported women in their wellbeing endeavors for many years, but our passion for equipping Christian women to live authentically in their faith, while becoming the strongest, most resilient & radiant version of themselves has only grown--especially as we see the devastating effects that our hyper-sexualized culture has on the family unit.

We are blessed to see God work powerfully in the lives and marriages of our clients and are honored to be a part of their healing journeys.

Blessings to you,

Elise & Jennifer

What is From Betrayal to Breakthrough?

The From Betrayal to Breakthrough program is a powerful system for helping Christian women find the clarity they need about their marriage in just 90 days without the obstacles of indecision, self-doubt, or fear of regret--so they can finally feel good about moving forward from the discovery of betrayal in the marriage.

So if you want a crystal clear and predictable roadmap to help you figure out if you want to:

A) confidently stay with your husband and work to restore your marriage, or

B) be at peace with moving on from the relationship,

...then you've found it.

How does it work?

Making a long-term decision about your marriage after betrayal isn't easy. There are three ingredients that every woman in this situation must have in place in order to reach a decision that she feels alined with:


Being committed to your own spiritual, emotional, and mental wellbeing is an essential first step in getting the clarity you need to move forward. No one can make this commitment for you--it must come from a deep desire to break free of the pain, confusion, and fear that will otherwise keep you stuck in resentment and anger for the rest of your life.

Just like airline attendants tell the passengers, "In case of emergency, put your own oxygen masks first!" this is essentially what we do in our program--we help you put your own "oxygen mask" on first, so that you can make a decision you feel good about, as the strongest version of yourself.


Countless women have shared their betrayal stories with us and almost all of them have remarked how lonely they've felt while dealing with the pain, despite being active in their church community. It's clear to that the support they've gotten has been either not enough, or the wrong kind. Most often this looks like:

-Help for the man (but not for her)

-"Just" advice: "Just hurry up and forgive him..." or "Just leave already..."

Neither of these truly support the healing and wellbeing for the betrayed wife in her decision on how to handle her next steps.

Remember being told to "Stop, drop, and roll!" in case your clothes ever caught fire?

Other people think they're being supportive by shouting from the sidelines what you should do, but that doesn't work for this kind of situation.

Instead of a drill sergeant, you need support that is sensitive, constructive, and methodical; you need compassionate guides and a roadmap to gently lead you through the phases of what's been and help you create what will be.

Benefiting from this kind of support doesn't have to take a long time, but it must be done with care and intention. (Not screamed at you from the sidelines.)


The final ingredient needed to achieve the clarity you're looking for is discernment. We know you have a lot of mental and emotional "noise" right now. In addition to all the external factors (like time, money, friends, and family) you also have internal factors influencing the way you respond to your situation, not to mention the spiritual warfare you're contenting with also.

Being able to distinguish truth from lies is essential for moving forward in your decision, so that you're not living in anger, resentment, or regret for the rest of your life.

How is this different from counseling or therapy?

Counseling, therapy, and coaching are all valid, but different modalities for helping a person make productive changes to their life. Coaching as a form of support has its roots in the world of sports and performance, not mental health. In short, coaching helps you create. Many clients benefit from working with a counselor or therapist while also working with a coach. Coaching is not intended to be crisis management. Ashes Redeemed coaches are Certified Professional Coaches, not licensed counselors or therapists.

For more on how coaching works, read What Is Coaching?

How do I know if this will work for me?

With over a decade of combined experience in supporting women in their wellbeing and marriage difficulties, we have honed our systems down to an exact science.

The best way for both of us to gain 100% confidence that this is the absolute best way for you to approach your post-betrayal decisions is to jump on a short call so we can get clear on the exact steps you should be taking based on your specific background and situation.

Book a call {HERE}.


I have a new sense of confidence that I don't think I've really ever had...


Christina M.

Breakthrough client

I value myself enough now in my life for the first time in 42 years that I'm going to say enough is enough.


Carole F.

Breakthrough client

Get In Touch

Email: info@ashesredeemedcom


PO Box 35111

Ferguson, MO 63135




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